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Cowbell Santa Parade Spreads Cheer In Accra

As part of its 25th anniversary celebrations, Promasidor Ghana Limited (PGH), embarked on a Santa Parade led by its flagship brand – Cowbell. The parade marched through the principal streets of Accra where residents within communities were engaged and gifted with Promasidor products during the Christmas season.
The Cowbell Santa Parade, which spread through North Kaneshie, Bubuashie, Odorkor, Dansoman, Kaneshie through to Labadi, Nungua, Spintex and Madina, was also supported by other PGH brands including Onga, Yumvita, Miksi and Twisco. Popular Twisco and Yumvita brand mascots also accompanied Cowbell Santa during the distribution of products in communities amidst music and dancing to add to the fun and excitement.