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Promasidor Ghana has launched the newest addition to the Onga family through series of stakeholder engagement events. Onga Soya Bean Protein chunks, the latest extension of the culinary brand, is an alternative source of protein, specially made for dishes of all type in Ghana.
Although the product tastes like meat, it’s a wholly plant-based food ingredient with high levels of protein and other nutrients. The launch of the product started with an engagement of distributors in the Greater Accra area. They were given a thorough education of the product and its unique features and properties in addition to pricing and other trade-related issues.
Distributors were also taken through the preparation process of the product and equally sampled same. Following the sampling session, participants of the meeting expressed their confidence about the products and their readiness to buy. The distributor launch was succeeded by a wholesaler engagement which equally saw extensive discussion on the product features, price and preparation process.
The 4-phase launch of the product climaxed with a staff and consumer launch. Culinary Category lead, Miss Eva Njeru, expressed her excitement and certitude about the product. “This product is unique and disruptive, Onga Chunks is coming at a time when many Ghanaians are concerned about diet and looking forward to an alternative source of the traditional protein we know. I believe strongly that there is a huge market of consumers out there who will welcome this product when they are taught to prepare it well.”, she stated.
Each engagement offered participants the opportunity to ask questions and make contributions on how to make the product a success.