We boast a wide variety of affordable, top-quality food and beverage brands.
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Promasidor’s cereal range caters to infants as well as families.
Both our cereal brands are Enriched with NUTRI-V, a blend of nutritious vitamins and minerals that contribute to your recommended daily allowances.
YUMVITA, our baby cereal, is available in three delicious flavours and is the ideal introduction to solids for your baby after breastfeeding.
SUNVITA, our healthy family cereal, provides long-lasting energy throughout the day. Available in single portion and larger pack sizes for added convenience, both these ready-to-eat cereals require no cooking and are easy to prepare
Enriched with NUTRI-V; a unique blend of 16 vitamins and minerals, to help boost immunity and healthy growth, our ready-to-eat instant
SUNVITA CRUNCH is a tasty, healthy family cereal enriched with NUTRI-V, a blend of nutritious vitamins and minerals that also helps child…